Hey 👋 I’m Tripti Gupta

Hey 👋 I’m Tripti Gupta

A Digital Product Designer based in New Delhi

I am passionate about solving complex digital problems by creating simple, meaningful and delightful user experiences. I love solving problems and I have the skills and experiences that allow me to take ideas from concept to mocks and final prototype. I currently lead design at Park+, a startup innovating in vehicle space technology. Prior to that, I spent my time at Innovaccer working on the healthcare management and LeagueSX designing fantasy gaming platform for football enthusiasts.
Currently looking for Design Lead opportunity

My Work


🗂 Other projects


💌 Let’s Connect

I like discussing about design, psychology and new products in the market. Let’s catch up!

💌  tripti.gupta9100@gmail.com

📞  9873421336



🖌 All Things Design

My curated list over the years that help me learn more about designing everyday ✨

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